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Regular price $54.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $54.99 USD
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This micro servo is High Voltage with all metal gears, programmable, wire comes out the bottom, all black, and black cable with JST plug. This is servo can be used in other applications but here it is meant as a lightweight, small compact servo for 4 wheel steer for the rear servo for the SCX24 axles. Being smaller than the most servos allows for a mount to have anti-dive adjustments. Something that you lose by putting a big servo and normal mount on the rear. (The mount can be purchased Separately or as a combo deal. The mount is the 3Flow9 RC 4WS A-S Mount. Gives you 4 adjustments of anti-squat.) The Cascade Servo has 41 oz of torque at 8.4 volts. This gives ample amount of servo power to turn the rear wheels. But this won't turn super heavy wheels in a precarious bind. But medium to light weihht rear end vehicles this will get you through the gates with ease. The lighter weight of the servo and mount at 20 grams combined is great for the 60/40 weight bias. Servo comes with plastic horn but 3Flow9 RC also has a lightweight 7075 aluminum servo horn just for the Cascade Servo. 
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